The topic of my senior project is postpartum depression and I’m exploring the gaps in treatment across Long Island. Therefore, I have decided to make an interactive map of Long Island as my main data visualization representation and pinpoint the professionals and clinics that patients can turn to in order to get help for this particular illness. This points are a result of my two month long reporting and talking about this issue to everyone from, PPD survivors, psychologists, psychiatrists, licensed clinical social workers, obstetricians, pediatricians and legislators. The purpose of this map is to provide to the readers a very well researched information about where to get help when suffering from postpartum depression because there are many reported handicaps in providing treatment.

My other idea for data visualization is still in progress. I plan to do a graph of new mothers whose health care provider spoke to them about postpartum depression across different culture and races. From the research I have done and people that I have talked to, I have learned that PPD is probably more common amongst African Americans but they are the ones seeking help early or not enough. At every PPD meeting I have gone to, both in the city and on Long Island, there was no people of color there to discuss their issues. I’ve learned from experts that those particular cultures even use different language when discussing the same thing. The real hard data about what I’m trying to represent via the graph can be found at Health Resources and Services Administration. The data showed that healthcare providers talked to caucasians about PPD the most. The tool I would like to use for this is highcharts.